Alyssa knew her mom and dad needed a new and roomy car for the family, so she helped purchse it!
She gave her parents $100 of her own money to help buy the new CX-9.
She wanted to be involved in the actual purchase, so she came straight home from school, did all her homework, took a shower and got ready so she join her mom and dad at Tustin Mazda. She give me the 100 dollar bill herself. (I’m literally crying as I’m typing). She has 2 older siblings and because she was so selfless, she gets to pick her seat in the new car!
I had John Patterson come in, too and he took a picture!
I asked her how long it took her to save it. She said her Aunt gave it to her to spend on anything she wanted. She said she really didn’t need anything. She just wanted to help her family out with something they all needed.
I’m speechless. In thirty years…this is a new one on me!! 8 years old…God bless her little heart!!
Lori Houts, Finance Director, Tustin Mazda