Before the dust even settles on the leftover turkey, it's seems it's already time to decide what to put UNDER the tree.
It goes without saying that we think a Mazda would be terrific choice!
I went online today and took a look around to see what I could find using Mazda and Christmas as my word search. You might be surprised to hear that there are vintage tree lights from Mazda, not to mention Mazda Christmas ornaments and even a bingo group that is offering up a new Mazda this holiday for a perfect bingo score!
Here's hoping if you braved the shopping on Friday Nov. 28, that you found deals of a lifetime and that however close or far away from completing your shopping you might be, may you find a moment to actually enjoy the hustle and bustle of the season.
At OC Mazda, we wish you and yours happiness, good health, and prosperity throughout the holiday season and our prayers to all for a jolly good New Year!