1. Someone is getting their car serviced with tender loving care. TLC? Yup we not only check the things you may forget to check, but we don't charge you for it and we wash your car for free when it's all done. By the way, our owner John Patterson has been know to do the washing!
2. Someone is being offered $8,000 off MSRP. Yes, that much. We work hard to find the cars that make sense for your lifestyle and budget and keep them on our lot. Once in awhile we get some incredible deals like this one.
3. Someone is emailing Jim Feinstein to get a quote and Jim is responding pretty darn close to immediately. Jim heads up our Internet Sales Team and in addition to be a super nice guy, he is Type A when it comes to staying in touch. Be careful, you might close a deal via text message!
4. Lynda Nelson is coming up with another fantastic and fun promotion like this month's GAS CARD GIVEAWAY. Just visit our Facebook Page and tell us why we need to give YOU a $200 Gas Card.
5. Speaking of promotions, someone right now is creating the jingle for the OC Auto Team Social Media Songwriters Challenge. They are wondering how they are going to spend the $2,000 Grand Prize and what their friends will think when they hear the jingle on TV, Radio and Internet promotions all year long!
6. Someone is asking their friend why other car dealerships don't service all makes and models like OC Mazda does. And the friend is answering him, "Because it's hard!"
7. Owner John Patterson is asking himself just how far he can take this whole servant leadership thing so that it permeates every square inch of Tustin Mazda, Huntington Beach Mazda and Tustin Hyundai. "Where else can we serve?" "How else can we lead?"
8. Salesman Extraordinaire Jeff Lezniak is wondering why so many books on sales are written when sales is simply being yourself, being persistent and being passionate about your product.
9. Someone just left OC Mazda and said to themselves..."Well, that wasn't your typical car dealer experience."
10. Someone just went to DealerRater, saw our reviews and said to themselves, "OK I know where to get my next Mazda."